Tell us a part of your success story?
This is the story of a dream come true. He was very young in age when he designed himself for what he is today and it seems he succeeded.
This is the story of an Albanian who has touched the heights in Switzerland, with his eyes on the 'conquest' of all of Europe. Mani comes in an exclusive confession about his career, private life and a strong appeal to all young Albanians. More than anything today, he is the model of the Albanian, who has built a dignified career, with the essence of values.
What was your mission at the outset?
Business has always been in my visions. I came to Switzerland when I was 4 years old. I grew up with the spirit of work and the desire to be independent.
I have worked hard for everything I have achieved. In 2005 I graduated from the School of Economics and decided that business would be my direction. Normally, when you are young, there are also many skeptics, but in my case, everyone encouraged me.
I started to deal with real estate. Initially, I only managed the staff. Everything went as I had predicted, with small steps I managed to pave a successful path.
What made you choose this type of business?
Yes, because initially it was a passion of mine. The art of sales is an art that requires flair and skill, especially when it comes to real estate. It seems that I was right in my feeling, because today the business is booming and everything is thanks to the systematic work, but also of my team.
Where are you today with your business?
As a growing company M&P Immobilien GmbH i can say that we are at the best point. After a few years in real estate, we tried to overcome ourselves. Thus, from the construction system for different Swiss Architects, we moved to the financing and construction of our facilities as an investor in various Projects. Today we are in the conditions that our company builds entire complexes and when everything is ready at the 80 percent stage we sell them, leaving the customers the opportunity to decide for themselves the last details. It's a voluminous job, pretty difficult that requires perfect techniques, but we're doing it. Our company today is a leader in this field. Today I proudly say that we have been in a cooperative relationship with the largest American construction company, Jacobs GmbH. We are their right arm for co-management of the constructions they do in the state of Switzerland. The fact that the construction giant has chosen us as a partner speaks volumes for the standards we have introduced to the market.
What’s your company’s goals?
A businessman's horizons are endless, believe me. Now we will start with large constructions with different Investors who wanted to invest together with our company to enter the real estate market. I would like to say in fact that one of our immediate goals is the expansion of the company in Europe as well. Specifically, Germany is in our closest plans. Finding the right partners will enable us to expand, but always maintaining the standard and good name of our company.
It seems that the Albanian community in Switzerland is becoming more and more an important part of the business there?.
Yes, so true. Albanians in Switzerland are really intellectual and very hardworking people. They are a community that has immediately integrated into Swiss society, showing the values of our country. I am very happy, that as one of them, I carry up the name of all Albanians, representing them with dignity.
Meanwhile, how do you see Albania and Kosovo, through the eyes of a young Albanian who lives and works in Switzerland?
In fact, I come very often and always with a great desire. I'm glad that every time I come back I find it even more beautiful and perfect.
It is a blessed country with wonderful people and I am so happy that day by day young people are investing in themselves and asking for more.
Do you have a call for young people who are increasingly looking to leave?
Yes! My first request is that they be educated. An educated generation is an acquired generation. I am sure that if they have the good will and the right commitment, they can achieve everything they want in their country. Albanians are the ones who will make this country. Let them benefit from everything that nature has forgiven this country, from wise people, from the rare virtues of the Albanian. Let them change the page of Albania's history and give this country the opportunity to have the elites it deserves.
Let's talk about Hobby and Family?
As a balance from work, I have been practicing boxing with great passion for years. I work with myself and with personal development, meditate and visit different seminars, according to the time available. I also often go on vacations with my family.
What is your pride as a businessman?
I am very proud that today we have an international collaborator. I am glad that decent companies choose us to invest and work together. I am very happy that I managed to maintain the high standard and quality at work. Real Estate is a sector that is changing at a fast pace, so today I am proud to say that we have managed to adapt innovations and always have innovations in our business. On the other hand, this does not mean that we have affected professionalism. We are the same professionals who grow day by day. Our staff grows every day, with the same philosophy and the same desire to deliver great work. In terms of career, I don't believe there is greater satisfaction.