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Linda Prendi – Founder ,Ceo and Entrepreneur. Success Stories Of Women Entrepreneurs

Writer: Success StoriesSuccess Stories

The Year my Dreams Came True.

This is the story of a princess, of a princess who from caresses in her house managed to create her castle. Destined to wear a crown, today she wears much more than that we are talking about Linda Prendi, an entrepreneur who has changed the history of media in Albania. Today, she skillfully directs the Global Woman Magazine, becoming a voice for Albanian women. In this story, she reveals how she designed herself to be at the top. A leader who, with her investment, has turned Albanian media into a channel for every common person, of course, reviving the quality of the elites. Challenged as a leader, Linda focuses on her merits and talents to transform every person she meets into extraordinary personalities. Because at the end of the day, this is the greatest gift she has: to find the sun inside every person she meets

This is the story of a princess

Who radiates positivity with the strong message she conveys.

Tell us part of your success story?

In fact, my story resembles a fairy tale story, from a young age I was called Princess around the house and I grew up seeing myself as such.

But of course this was the caress of the house and life often doesn't treat you like a princess, or at least not the princesses we're used to seeing in cartoons.

I too, like every woman, had those existential dilemmas, with dilemmas and many question marks. But the picture comes and becomes clear as you try several times fail, get back up, learn, grow, suffer and finally triumph.

Can you start by telling us a little about yourself?

I am a woman who adores success and I can't get enough of it. If I hit a peak today, tomorrow I'm looking for more triumphs, I have been working in media for more than 15 years. I can say I've tried everything, I started as a marketing director at ''Psikostil'' magazine.

It was an elite magazine and therefore targets were difficult. I am proud to say that it was me who gave a new image to Albanian magazines. Since I started directing ''Psikostil'' the mindset of the entire magazine market changed. It was no longer a 100 pages dedicated to a target group, but it was for everyone. Anyone who had a powerful story to tell, could find themselves in it. I gave voice to the women and men who had contributed for their country. Then I continued as managing director of “Harmony” magazine this magazine reached the peak under my direction, where the most popular showbiz characters were so beautifully combined with common people, but of course without forgetting the elites, because the magazine is an elite product from its genesis then i continued as general director of the “Balkan”

newspaper. In a daily newspaper, the fatigue and the dynamics were intense, but the work gave another satisfaction. Completely different from the magazine, the newspaper required a different commitment, as well as philosophy. Together with the team, we managed to bring a dignified product to the market every day then I realized that I wanted to discover other horizons there I decided to try myself as a publisher.

I founded the magazine ''Starpeople'' the website “” and the weekly newspaper “Sfida”. If you look at the name, they have some kind of connection, almost sacred for me “Starpeople”, a product for people and stars,

Diell, (Sun) the website that tried to open other paths for me, And “Sfida” - the ‘Challenge’ - to challenge myself, but also the market, at a time when newspapers were a relatively dying. The success was beyond expectations.

Tell us about your latest project?

Global Woman is a global brand and I am very happy that I am directing the magazine for Albania and Kosovo, as you may know, Mirela Sula is the founder and Ceo of global woman she is the one who, with her own will, managed to create a community for all women who want to be heard. Fortunately, Mirela is also my sister, my model of a woman since I was little. Everything she has created today is also the wisdom with which she fed me today global woman bears her stamp of success and I am undoubtedly prouder than ever to have been influenced by her inspiring example. The woman is essentially created as a being inclined to excel in every aspect, and this is the motto of this community, realized in the example lived by Mirela herself. She and I are more than sisters or colleagues. We are the branch of an inspiration that goes beyond this success machine. I believe we are the best example of how success can speak the language of women my post as general director has given me the opportunity to meet thousands of inspiring women and men. Every day is like a lesson for me, I learn something from every character and I'm very happy to give something back. My goal is in line with global woman's philosophy: that of empowerment through the widest possible disclosure of what we are and what we do. I am so happy to have become the voice of many women who have had a success story to tell. It is the best channel for women who are keen to grow, learn and find themselves through lived examples.

What inspires you most in your work?

I am endlessly inspired by people, i am very social in nature so you can hardly ever find me alone.

I am with people all the time, listening to them, discovering them, raising them and appreciating

them at every step, there is no better source of energy than time well spent with friends.

Moment of inspiration?

There are many! It's those little details… a joke, or maybe a picture, a smile, a hug that gives me a new spark and believe me: I have a lot of sparks during the day and all of them are great.

Problems faced by women entrepreneurs?

I regret it, but Albania is still a difficult business terrain, not only for women, but also for men. However, being the positive spirit that I am, I want to say that things have

changed, mentalities have improved and taboos have been broken. Our country still lacks associations or institutions that would facilitate business policies specifically for women. But on the other side, women are the ones who create these opportunities themselves, finding some spaces and know how to implement them in their business as well as in everyday life.

What motivates you in your achievements?

Let me be a bit more personal in this answer. Against all the energy I absorb from people, my biggest motivation is my two daughters. I am so happy when they look at me with adoring eyes and I am so proud when they see me as their best example, i think this is the greatest motivation and achievement for a woman.

To be on trend with fashion today, what you must have?

Trend is a somewhat commercial word. However, in a somewhat broader connotation, I would say that self-confidence is the first step. If a woman has a high confidence, I am sure that all the trends would suit her. It doesn't matter if you are mainstream or vintage, if you are confident in yourself and know your own values, trends will come to you, without you having to follow them.

What are your career aspirations with the company? There are so many, that it will be difficult for me to summarize them in the text, because more than aspirations, they are the mindset of how I see myself and consequently what I do.

For starters, my number one goal is to outgrow myself in everything I do it doesn't matter how perfect it might be, next time it needs to be even better. On the other side, I would like to see myself as an ambassador of Albanian women around the world. I want the whole world to speak albanian, in the figurative sense of the word. I want to bring every successful Albanian woman and man abroad to global woman, just a while ago we had Dua Lipa on the cover and now I'm thinking of another superstar who will take my product and our country even higher.

How would you describe your motivation levels?

Oh, they are unparalleled levels, believe me, the first thing I do in the morning is thank myself.

A form of gratitude that I express every day, for everything I achieve it doesn't happen that I have pessimistic moments never.

A form of gratitude that I express every day, for everything I achieve. It doesn't happen that i have pessimistic moments, never. I am a person who conveys what I feel, so 100 percent of the time you see me smiling. Nothing can take the sun inside of me and the smile off my face. My motivation even serves as an example for others, i am very happy when my friends meet me and tell me: “I just wanted to get a little dose of positivity.”

Which talent are you most proud of?

Due to the fact that I am a very good reader of the person in front of me. I have the talent to distinguish the goodness, the difficulty, the

strengths in a person. I adore people, in all forms and dimensions if I could call it talent, it is also the investment i give to people. I get involved with every person i meet, every character, every story and by getting involved, I get to see them more peacefully, more

emotionally, highlighting the best of them a gift that not many have.

What is the key to your success?

Emotional intelligence, without a doubt, if I have been innovative in business and in every other aspect of my life, it is because I have a very strong emotional intelligence, which always gives me a boost in my projects, but also in everyday life. I think it is a condition that needs a lot of work and a lot of will to achieve. I have followed my path, I have overcome my challenges, and this is what I got as a reward. I don't know what more should one ask for to be self- actualized.


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