My name is Giulia I’m Chinese, I was born in Italy, in Manerbio, in the province of Brescia. Since I was a child I my dream was to become a model or an actress, I was attracted by the fashion industry because I thought it was like a parallel world, where you can be who you want to be.
My passion started when I was fifteen, a photographer wrote to me on Facebook and after that, I began creating my portfolio during my free time.
Positive mind, kindness and asense of sacrifice, I think it’s the right way to attract beautiful things in life.
In those years my parents didn’t really agree with my dream to become a professional model because they thought it’s wasn’t a safe job, and a girl, who had work responsibilities in the family’s as well as getting married and making her own family even if I alway’s knew that was not my priority.
Now they have changed their minds and are supporting me too even if it took many years for this to happen!
Until 2021 I was more off than on because I had to started a second family business and I didn’t have time because of a 15 hour a day commitment so mentally I convinced myself that was not my destiny so I had to go forward and forget my dreams.
In 2021 my brother finished school and he started to work too, one day my sibling’s told me “You should try now, it’s time to follow your dream”, that’s the moment that I realized how much in reality I wanted to commit and try my best in the modeling world .
More recently I started getting part’s in music video productions and thus creating new experience’s to level up my skills in front of a camera. In the near future I would also like to sign up to an acting course.
I admire Coco Rocha, she inspired me a lot with her character, her attitude, her sense of freedom in explaining herself as model on every set, passion, to be better than yesterday, is my constant motivation.
desire to prove yourself in every situation constantly, don’t be afraid of failures.
I’m very active on my Instagram profile, everyday I check the latest reel/pictures in trend and colleagues works where I can find inspiration to make new content.
I collaborated with Sandro Ferrone, Maison Close ,
I believe to be a very positive person, I’m sure that one day everything will be in the right place at the right time.
Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly.
More than an agency, I believe it’s more important to have an agent that really believes in you and your potential, be chameleonic I thinker!
in the evening, when I’m relaxed having finished my daily duties.
I did a campaign for BMW, Fiat, Vodka Absolut, Aperol, Diego Della Palma, Mulac, Pittarello and recently I was in Diodato’s latest music video,determination, discipline, flexibility.
A very inspiring Success Stories magazine.