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The Italian-Brazilian Martina, national finalist of Miss Italia 2022
and model in her beloved
Milan, defines herself as the girl next door, the humility that distinguishes her is a value of which she’s very proud. Despite the young age of nine-teen years, she’s full of desire to do and to achieve her goals, Martina is very determined and focused: ''my life will be divided between criminology and the world of fashion, cinema and entertainment''.
Tell us part of your success story?
I started my career in fashion when I was very young: at 16 I started doing my first shootings, first with photographers to expand the portfolio, then for some Italian brands but also for some foreign brands. Only a few years later I signed my first contract with an agency in Milan, the fashion capital and my hometown. I did a lot of practice and this helped me a lot to arrive very ready for the last experience I had: Miss Italia. I was proclaimed among the 21 most beautiful in Italy, therefore one of the national finalists and the only representative of my city and region. In fact, I hold the titles of Miss Milano 2022 and Miss Lombardia 2022.
Tell us part of your success story?
Hi Martina, could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
I am a very simple girl, but very determined. I was born in Milan (although my mother is Brazilian) from a family that raised me by transmitting me a lot of fundamental values for life: from honesty to respect for others and above all for myself. I have a very strong character, in addition to working as a model I am a student of psychology. I want to graduate and become a criminologist, perhaps abroad. At the same time, I want to continue my journey in the world of fashion, or even better in the cinema, in fact I will very soon start studying acting. In order not to miss anything, I was also a ballet dancer. I studied and danced for 12 years, but about three years ago I decided to stop to dedicate myself to my physique and the measurements required by the fashion world.
How did you get your start in modelling?
I started by chance, when I was little many friends and family asked my parents why they hadn't signed me up with some agency. From there I started with some advertising castings and then growing up I found myself standing in line for hours with other professional models to take importants jobs.
Tell us about your latest project?
The last period has been very full of the Miss Italia’s contest, to which I dedicated myself for a few weeks. However, I can say that I have many plans for my future, for television, but also a lot of shooting and jobs on social, and maybe in cinema…. Stay
What inspires you most in your work?
I love the fashion world. I really like posing and everyone tells me that I'm very talented. Knowing that I'm doing something I like and that, even if it's taking small steps, I'm building my future makes me very grateful, this is what motivates and inspires me.
To be on trend with fashion today you must have?
In 2023, having the right clothes is not enough to follow trends. To stand out you must have personality and desire to show it. It doesn’t matter having the super expensive or the most sought after items. You can show who you are and stand out even with some basic items.
Favorite designers?
I’m in love with the Yves Saint Laurent style, but I actually like a lot of other designers. I think they all have their own particularity, everyone has a different way of expressing themselves and this is wonderful.
Why Is the choice of Model Agency so Important?
It’s very important to rely on the right agency: each has a different approach, both to us models and to customers and it is essential to find the right one for yourself. It’s one of the first choices you make when you start taking your first steps in this world and since contracts are often binding for several years, it’s good to dedicate some time to this choice.
What talent are you most proud of?
About my personality I love perseverance and the desire to do everything by myself and without relying on others. Sometimes I am amazed at myself by how much I manage to combine a lot of things all together. Luckily my life is quite full between studying and the various exams and lessons, work, family and friends, gym, until recently the competition and the driving license (which I just got!) and many various other more or less temporary commitments; it's not always easy to be able to manage everything together while also remaining clear with the mind, but until now I can say I'm proud of myself and how I deal with all this.
A few words about our magazine?
SSMAGAZINE is the desire to tell stories, give the opportunity to listen to the other and the opportunity to tell oneself. Grateful for having this space and for having found this new family.